FSCN4924  I am proud to announce that I have in my possession an entire collection of John Green books. A few years ago if someone would have mentioned his name I would have been clueless to who he was. That was when the internet took over my life and suddenly I found that one link between the worlds of bookish love and internet scramble- John Green.

This man along with his brother, Hank, have turned my world into a sharpie-crazed, paper-loving, brain-fried nerd-fighting arena. No, I was not a huge fan of the fault in our stars- this, I considered a tiny bit over-hyped. No, my love for this man’s books began with “Will Grayson, Will Grayson” and since then I haven’t been able to stop.

I recently read “Paper Towns” on my trip to my home town. As it turns out, both the FSCN4939narrator and I were driven with that obsession of finding our own “Margo Roth Speigleman”. The book bound my every limb and emotion into words and I discovered that Q’s search was symbolic to my own search for purpose in life. Margo makes you question what everyone considers “happiness”. She makes you see that monotony is not the only path to happiness and that individuals just need to shed their paper skins and paper ways, and be their true selves.

Though, the biggest thing about this book, and most of his other books too, is that they give you the spirit to just run and do something. Maybe that something is to take a road trip. Maybe that something is to succeed in what you do. Maybe it is an instigation to look for “the Great Perhaps”. Whichever way you choose to look at it, this message is ever present in his books- if you want something, GO GET IT!John Green

2 thoughts on “An Abundance of John Greens

  1. John and Hank are awesome! All those books are so pretty… 🙂
    TFiOS isn’t my personal favourite, either; I read Looking For Alaska first of all and I think the title might go to that one.

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